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"Them" (1988)
1. Out From The AsylumLook, the old bitch is back - yeah,finally we'll get some company againthe attic room has beenlocked up for far too long - just like theold bitch herself - she's on timethough - why that silly wheelchair?Oh she's pretending as always - butshe does make a good cup of tea."Oh My God she's here. Missy, listento what Mother says: Now You begood to Grandma; and remembershe's been away on a long vacation.That goes for You too King. And stopplaying that thing. Answer the door"2. Welcome HomeGrandma' welcome home... You havebeen gone for far too longIs this a dream, are You really back?Let me help You out of the chair...Grandma'Let me touch You, let me feel... AhhhGrandma' take a lookWhat do You think of the house andthe silvery moon?We are going to repaint the front doorsoonLet me help You out of the chair...Grandma'Let me touch You, let me feel... AhhhWait till You see Your room up in theatticPrepared just like You said, without abedYou will find Your rocking chair andthe tea pot that Missy foundLet me help You out of the chair...Grandma'There is someone waiting for You,now come alongMissy and Mother, they are dying tomeet YouHow strange... she's spoken no word...I wonder Grandma'! Are You all right?Grandma' what was it like to be onthat holiday site"Oh it could have been worse butwith "THEM" by my sideIn the twilight "THEY" sang all the oldlullabies"Grandma' who are "THEY"... "nevermind You dirty little brat""Let us go inside, something's on"THEIR" mind"THEY" are still alive, can You feel"THEIR" eyesCan You feel "THEIR" eyes?Now that You are stuck with me Youbetter be my friend.3. The Invisible GuestsLate that night I awoke from My sleepHearing unknown voices laughinginsaneGrandma' was one, Oh it's comingfrom the room next to mineIt's Grandma' room... the invisibleguestsAs I stood there alone in the darkPeeking through the keyhole, couldn'tbelieve My eyesI'd never seen anything like it, onlyGrandma' was inside the roomSpeaking to no one... the invisibleguestsCups were rising in thin air and thenemptied on the floorSuddenly the door was open andGrandma' said"Do come in My little friend"Missy and Mother were sleepingdownstairsIf they could see me in Grandmother'schairGrandmother said "look Me deep inthe eyesYou will forget what You saw heretonight""I will let You in on the secret of thishouseThe secret of Amon... that's what wecall this houseNow I want you to go back to sleep,now go back to sleep My dear"The invisible guestsCups were rising in thin air and thenemptied on the floorSuddenly the door was open andGrandma' said"Now you must go back to sleep""Go to sleep"... "Go to sleep"..."Go to sleep"...Missy and Mother were sleepingdownstairsIf they could see me in Grandmother'schair4. TeaOn the following friday as I turned outthe lightGrandma' came and knocked at Mydoor"Wake up King, wake up My dearI am gonna show You about the houseof Amon"It is time for tea, it is time again"Even Your mother is presentWe made her sleep in My rockingchair"At first I felt really scared but therewas no reason toAs I saw the knife sneaking out fromGrandmother's dressThen it cut a tiny wound in Mymother's little handIt is time for tea, it is time againBlood was running into the tea pot,then I heard "THEM" laugh"A bit of this in a cup of tea, is what ittakes to set "THEM" freeYou will hear "THEM" telling storiesfrom far beyond this earth"What I saw and what I heard made mewant to stay and learnI really hope this dream will neverend, it's hard to describe the kind offeeling that went on in My mindA paradiseHearing "THEIR" stories and feeling"THEIR" warmthWe laughed with tears in our eyesFrom the first cup of tea, to the lastdrop of bloodNothing seemed to matter at allanymoreMy Mother? She didn't exist to me,Oh I felt so heavenlyIt is time for tea, it is time again5. Mother's Getting WeakerTonight would be the last night thatwe had our teaThat bloody tea, which sent us intoecstasyYesterday Mother complained, feelingdizzy, all in painMother's getting weaker, lookingpaler day by dayAs morning came, she could not makeit out of bedAnd Grandma's spell was gettingstraight into her headNot a single word, she didn't seem tobe aliveGetting weaker, looking paler day bydayThen Missy came in and she led me bythe handI didn't want to go, Oh but I shouldhave knownMother was barely conscious, whyshould I careJust looking forward to the nextordealI think I heard My sister begging meto stayShe gave me the phone, so I could callsomeone for helpI simply let go of her hand, then I cutthe wireMissy was crying as I left them bothbehindAnd Mother's getting weaker, Missyshouted at My back"I hate You"6. Bye, Bye MissyTea time Monday night, I was waitingpassing timeThen from the hallway, I saw Motherin her nightgownSwaying up the stairs, up the stairs, itseemed so unrealI knew Grandma' had sent "THEM"again, the invisible friendsA little later in the middle of tea wecame close to ecstasy"THEY" were telling tales frombeyond when Grandma' roseShe opened the door, and there wasMissySeeing Mother in Grandmother'schair, she went into tearsMissy was screaming"What have You done, what have youdone to My Ma", crying louder now"We better get rid of her, She's tooyoung anyway", it was Grandma' whospoke"Bye, bye Missy, be gone foreverThe beautiful fireplace in the kitchenwill do"I saw Missy struggling in Grandma'wrinkled hands"Oh No, let me be, Oh No Please NoGrandma' PleaseAagh Grandma' You're hurting me.Don't touch me or I'll break it, I've gotthe tea pot, I'll do it anyway"I saw liquid spreading, the bloody teaall over the floorNow I heard "THEIR" voices, somekind of demon growlsDIE - SHE BROKE AMON - AMON - DIE"THEY" dropped "THEIR" tea cups,Grandma' stood stillforced by invisible hands, Missy wentdown the stairsAs I waved her goodbye, Missy wassobbing awayWill I ever see her again, Bye byeMissy, don't be afraid7. A Broken SpellI stumbled out of Grandma's room,down the stairs and out of the houseOnce outside I felt My mind begin tofight a battle for controlWith the tea pot broken I kind ofrealizedThat "THEIR" power was less here,here on the outsideI fell to my knees in hazinessAnd I looked in through the windowto the cellarThings were moving down there,"THEY" were searching for somethingAnd "THEY" really found it,the big axe was flyingFlying out through the cellar doorUp the stairs to the kitchen...Then I passed outThe next thing I remember seeing wasthe smoke coming from the chimneyI soon realized the smoke I saw wasactually... Oh No!All there was left of Missy and herdress, poor little girlThe spell was broken, I really felt thechangeAs my mind and body became oneagainThe moon was alive with its silveryeyeStaring right into My evil heartI went back to see if My Grandma'was still thereWaiting for me in the attic... Oh I hatethat bitch8. The Accusation ChairI kind of knew that she would bewaiting for me in her roomWith a sick smile she told me not tobe a foolHer eyes went hard, staring right intoMy brainBut I convinced her that I was feelingreal fineOh, I was lying... seeing the look inher eyesClearing My mind was importantShe believed everything I saidAnd then she asked me if I would helpto bring her outsideOh, I was lucky... "let us stay for awhile" she said"Bathing ourselves in the moonlight"So there she was, unprotected by"THEM"I grabbed her cane, and tore it out ofher hand"No way, You're not going to escape""Now that I've got You... here You willpay for Your deedsYour sick mind has come to an endnow""Stop it"Nowhere to hide, Grandma' had diedAlone in the nightAnd "THEY" were waiting for mewaiting insideHoping that I would come back inBut I just ran awayInto the woods, as far as I couldI saw "THEIR" eyesAnd then I fainted again, going insaneDreaming that I was one of "THEM"...I hear "THEIR" voices all the time9. Them[Acoustic Guitar: Andy la Rocque]10. Twilight SymphonyMorning came and so did they, flyingquestions from the policeI'm waiting here in an ambulance forDr. LandauTo return and tell me why they'retaking me so far away"I did what I did and I'm glad I did,'cos I could have been the...I could have been the next in line"Nobody found a trace of MissyI'd be the last to tell them anywayHow could I ever ever explainNow I hear "THEM" again, singingTwilight symphony, twilightI hear "THEM" again, singingTwilight symphony, twilightGrandma' was dead with an open neckBlood still running from My openmouthI knew they would blame it, theywould blame it all on meHow could I ever ever explainNow I hear "THEM" again, singingTwilight symphony, twilightI hear "THEM" again, singingTwilight symphony, twilightDr. Landau returned, and I told him thestory"Are You mad or just insane?"I tried anyway"You can take him away now, the boyhas lost his mind"Oh no noI haven't seen My Mother since theytook me awayAnd Dr. Landau wouldn't tell meHe wouldn't tell me anythingOh I'm back on the outsideTime has caught up with me, and Imust leave for the old houseYes I must leave nowGrandma'... I'm comingI'm coming home nowI'm coming home now11. Coming Home"Grandma'?""I knew it was You at the door, I sawYou from the window. Now comeinside My dear. It's good to see Youagain, despite what You did to MYthroat. "THEY" are waiting upstairs.Come. Missy is there too. She's sittingon Grandpa's lap. I bet You're dying fora cup of tea."[Solo: ~ Andy]
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