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"Vision The Chaos" (1994 7")
1. Vision The Chaos[Kataklysm part I]From the past clashes the stormsAscend Oh! Ancient OneIncarnated yourselfIn darknessDreams to escapeYour pending rebirthOn our landsThat you slowly take possessionBlinded mortal servantsHavoc messengersSent to abobinateUndertaking our earthAn evil race will reignOught to be slainRepulsing their livesYou control their fearThey shouldn't be drownedBowel is their depthsOf their bloody heartsWe must unifyTo restore man's lifeTo unblind their soulsReviving one's FaithWithout dependence or DestroyerSouls of the EarthREALISE...He wants UsThey need UsTo succeedTO ARISE...Your ideal Master establishedHis covenant within your powers...Exhaust SoulsIntented to be against each of youNow among, with the other Side...The Unholy forsake the realm of the demonsWaiting for revengePlease help mankindour gate connects to the outside worldsEngraved It is... with powerful Arcane symbolsI) *ARRAII) *AGGAIII) *BANDAR Guarded by faithLies the lords entrance of ascensionThe Zonei forces protect the keyThat has been sealed by Marduk and his alliesHe who captured the Ancient OnesWith His fatherEnki our GodRuler of the Elder GodsWe were created by His breathAnd the blood of the slainEvil defeated KinguImprisonned in their lost domainWhy break the seven seals?That vanquished the lords of hellAnd blaspheme the death of your livesBecause... Their achievements are clearVision the Chaos(Human Vision)(Demons Vision)Destruction of natureOppression in raptureConfusion of the terrainsTransition of demonsFear in soulsNear my goalsChaos and hungerFiends of terrorPleasure of painSeizure and reignWrath and angerRegain powerCessation of the mortalsTermination of the mortalsPossession by the false masterObsession by the true masterPerilous downfallInfamous of allDecline of civilizationThe sign of annihilationUpcoming devastationImpending demolitionMaryr, torture, surrounds us near Tha CataclysmVision KATAKLYSMTheir KATAKLUSMOSCycle of our lives interruptedInvasion of our earthDemons are what they areFrom the Ancient eternal pastAnd We from the Elder GodsMust keep our faithTo rebel in beliefSoerupt the feelingsOf your lonely heartsBefore it is too lateVision broke the Chaos[Note:][ I) *-Sign of the Human Race ][ II) *-Key of the Elder Gods ][ III) *-Sigil of the Watchers ]2. Shrine Of Life[CHAPTER III - REBORN THROUGH DEATH, Version II]Marching corpse to riseI must fulfill my new destinyCrawlwalking from my suicideAs I penetrate the exit of my homePeople look up at meWith repugnance and disgustI'm now an enemy of my raceOutside my domain, I discoverThat my dreaming abilitiesWere my undead powersCasting a spell to the point of no returnAt the forgotten IsleWhere lies the forbidden ShrineOut of my tornado fieldNear the sacred ShrineI climb the steps of knowledgeEach step inflicts me terrible painDecomposation of my soulAs my organs rot awayFlesh falling part by partDematerializationIn front of the pedestal I open the Golden bookAnd some of my fingers fall offA bright radiance illuminates from the BookThis gleam dissolves my eyesThe pus flows on my cheeksAt this moment a voice says...What are thine pupose?As I answer! One of my arms breaks into piecesI am here... I want to repend myself...From my will of deathArt thou sure?Yes...Then read aloud what is written...I can't, my eyes...I must concentrate...I see the chant of lifeThe mantra to rebornAhm... Mu... Hum... Cah...VeramocorAhm... Mu... Hum... Cah...Now I can hear thousands of lamenting DamiansAround the sacred shrineWaiting for my soul to fallMy body cracks in twoI keep my faith 'till the end of the beginningAs my torso of vomiting worms diesMy brain explodes... My spirit is thrown in...I'm Alive, free to be reborn
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